Musings of Sirens

Better Immunity This Winter? Clearer Skin for your Session? Desire Restful Energy?
One little secret for clearer skin. Winter can feel like havoc on your skin. What is one home remedy that is not only affordable as well as effective?

Ms. C

Ms. K

A Healthy Ego: End Self Deprecation, and Love YOUR Photo Session!
Self-deprecation is a handy tool to diffuse tension and add humour. But, in putting down your talents, appearance and personality, could you be permanently blighting your self-esteem and reputation?
We’ve all been there…
Have you ever replied to a compliment about your outfit with a knee-jerk, negative response? Such as, a quip about looking a bit podgy or an eye-rolling admission of the coffee stain near the hem?

Ms. M

Ms. R
Body positive boudoir is about learning to love the person you are right now. When you not only accept the body you have but begin to truly love it you will walk with greater confidence.