Musings of Sirens

What are your self-love resolutions for 2022?
Molly Blair Molly Blair

What are your self-love resolutions for 2022?

The new year is always a great time to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. Review the last 12 months or beyond. Think long and hard about how you treated yourself.  Were you being nice to the body that carries you through this journey of life, or were you over critical of yourself? It’s important to take care of yourself rather than be overly critical. We can all improve on how we treat ourselves, and it’s usually easier to start at the beginning of the year. .

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Stop saying you are an ordinary woman, you are extraordinary.
Boudoir Sessions, Boudoir Molly Blair Boudoir Sessions, Boudoir Molly Blair

Stop saying you are an ordinary woman, you are extraordinary.

Nothing about you is ordinary. Maybe you feel you are basic, but I guarantee your preferences are still unique to you. Human uniqueness lies in how we combine traits, habits, and experiences into a mosaic that no one else can replicate. Your favorite song might be popular, but the way it resonates with your life experiences is entirely your own. Your sense of humor, the way you interact with the world, or the dreams you hold dear all set you apart.

In essence, "basic" is a surface label. Beneath that surface lies a complexity and individuality that makes each person extraordinary.

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A Healthy Ego: End Self Deprecation, and Love YOUR Photo Session! 
Boudoir, Boudoir Sessions, Self Love Molly Blair Boudoir, Boudoir Sessions, Self Love Molly Blair

A Healthy Ego: End Self Deprecation, and Love YOUR Photo Session! 

Self-deprecation is a handy tool to diffuse tension and add humour. But, in putting down your talents, appearance and personality, could you be permanently blighting your self-esteem and reputation?

 We’ve all been there… 

Have you ever replied to a compliment about your outfit with a knee-jerk, negative response? Such as, a quip about looking a bit podgy or an eye-rolling admission of the coffee stain near the hem?

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