Musings of Sirens

What if lingerie is not my jam?
Boudoir Sessions Molly Blair Boudoir Sessions Molly Blair

What if lingerie is not my jam?

Feeling beautiful doesn’t not require lingerie. You can totally celebrate your body and be modest at the same time. To take the bedroom out of boudoir, I call these beauty sessions.

A beauty session is one that celebrates your beauty and your body while being showcased in your favorite attire. Celebrate and express yourself how you want to.

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A Healthy Ego: End Self Deprecation, and Love YOUR Photo Session! 
Boudoir, Boudoir Sessions, Self Love Molly Blair Boudoir, Boudoir Sessions, Self Love Molly Blair

A Healthy Ego: End Self Deprecation, and Love YOUR Photo Session! 

Self-deprecation is a handy tool to diffuse tension and add humour. But, in putting down your talents, appearance and personality, could you be permanently blighting your self-esteem and reputation?

 We’ve all been there… 

Have you ever replied to a compliment about your outfit with a knee-jerk, negative response? Such as, a quip about looking a bit podgy or an eye-rolling admission of the coffee stain near the hem?

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